Don’t be the “Problem” solver.

Don’t be the “Problem” solver.

January 18, 20252 min read

Taylor had issues creating relationships at work - her bosses, colleagues, subordinates.

Not just with her own team, but also but also with colleagues on any of the high profile cross-divisional projects she sat on.

It was clear to me why.

Being a problem solver is a priceless currency in the business world.

But you’re not going to be popular if people associate you with problems.

Because it’s not what you say or do, but how you make people feel.

Because in Taylor’s case, whenever she shared the problems she identified at work, her face, eyes, tone of voice and even body language would harden.

Her entire being screamed “PROBLEM! PROBLEM! THIS IS A PROBLEM!”

Her words were analyzing the issue

And she was so talented at solutioning

But what she was really communicating was,


This was her Brand.

Here’s the thing.

You don’t get anywhere if people associate you with the Problem and not the Solution.

Not only that, but because she truly believes it’s so wrong to have issues and not fix them, she gives off strong judgemental vibes.





No wonder her career had gotten far, but not far enough.

How far do you expect to get when you make people feel

You are a “Problem”

and make people feel

They are “Wrong.”

Taylor has been coaching with me for a while so she’s already made great strides in shifting her mindset and delivery.

To the point where now, finally, she has friends (allies) at work, her boss has her back, and she is much less harsh in her judgement of people who don’t fix all the problems she sees.

But it came out again the other day when she asked me to prepare her for an important meeting.

The one key mindset shift Taylor needs to make now is this:

Problems are an opportunity.

Because they are!

Each problem is an opportunity to improve.

I know because I’m a problem solver too, and I get excited when my clients bring me problems to solve.

Because I know I can help them solve them.

They know I can help them solve them.

And once we do, they are so much happier.


Bye Bye problems

Hello Relationships that work.

P.S. Our 1:1 Leadership Coaching Program is currently full. The next intake is in May for 3 openings. If you are interested in working with me 1:1, DM me to waitlist, we will be booking calls to interview leaders for these 3 spots in mid-February.

- Natalie

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