big reveal IMG

My big reveal...

November 04, 20243 min read

It took me a many years and a lot of courage to share this publicly for the first time.

(And that means something after 15 years of sharing countless personal stories as a speaker and coach.)

This is not just any story, but it's my story, my family's story, and a lot of thought went into what I'm about to share.

I also had to balance what to share and what not to share out of respect for my kids, because it's their story too.

It's also a bit of a relief to get it out there, because in all these years in not sharing this part of my story, I never felt truly authentic in my work.

So... here goes.

I spent 17 years in relationships with my 2 abusive ex-husbands, both of whom were a reflection of my mother.

In other words, I married my mother, not once, but twice.

Now don’t get me wrong, my mother loves us to bits. She’s just very emotionally damaged.

Third time lucky?


Between my husband and I, together we have:

3 divorces

5 marriages

5 kids

You can imagine how much baggage we each brought into the relationship.

To those of you who are still naive enough to believe that with “I do” life is happily ever after.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

Because when it comes to relationships

With your stakeholders at work

And your stakeholders at home

It takes work to make it work.

And that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

In the same way that I help my clients deal with toxic bosses and completely turn around their relationships with their bosses, colleagues, and clients to get promoted, get more pay, keep their jobs, land their dream jobs, switch careers, and create a career they love.

I also help my clients… avoid costly divorces and breaking up their family, leave abusive relationships, and create the relationships they love - relationships that work.

My husband and I have worked hard to make our relationship work - and since my husband recently joined me in the business, ours already crosses over into both work and home.

I’m not standing up here as a beacon of perfection telling you what a perfect marriage looks like.

(You know those perfect IG and FB marriages - the ones that often turn out to be a sham?)

I’m telling you that I spent a lifetime looking for the answer.

Because I was miserable.

And I wanted to find the way.

And now I’m very happy to share with you what I’ve learned.

This includes the knowledge, the wisdom, the strategies, and the practical hands-on advice you need to excel in your relationships as a leader and as a partner.

After many years of people asking

I’m happy to - finally - share my very first group coaching program - Relationships That Work!

My team and I have been working non-stop for the last 6 months to get this ready for you.

So I can share with you all my strategies, frameworks and deep insight that my 1:1 clients use to completely turn around your relationships - all so you're happier at home and more successful at work.

Over the next few weeks I will share more about the Relationships that Work program. While we work on getting more details your way soon, here is the waitlist:

- Natalie

P.S. We're only opening 8 spots in this inaugural program, once these seats are claimed, the doors close.

P.S.S. Not interested in improving your work and personal relationships right now? You can unsubscribe from all emails regarding our new program in the link below

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